Strange Foreign Bodies at the Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow

September 2018
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28 September 2018 – 6 January 2019
Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow

Strange Foreign Bodies is a group exhibition of films, prints and sculptural works by contemporary artists including Claire Barclay, Christine Borland, Sarah Browne, Alex Impey and Phillip Warnell.

Taking William Hunter's Tercentenary as its point of departure, the exhibition offers a 21st century perspective on Hunter's Enlightenment project, with processes of mutation, metamorphosis and technological transformation central to many of the works.

We encounter the story of a woman who has turned into an octopus, the philosophical reflections of a heart transplant patient, and the simulated breathing of an animatronic medical mannequin: ‘strange foreign bodies’ which reflect the complexity of all human embodiment today.