Manual Labours at The Showroom, London

April 2016
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The Showroom

63 Penfold Street, London, NW8 8PQ

Preview: Tuesday 5 April, 6:30 - 8:30pm

Exhibition runs til Sunday 10 April 2016

Manual Labours present a week-long programme of events and new commissions at The Showroom by artist Sarah Browne, choreographer Hamish MacPherson and writer Ivor Southwood.

Manual Labours: The Complaining Body is initiated by Sophie Hope and Jenny Richards in partnership with The Showroom; In Certain Places, Preston; and Movement, Worcester. Developed from a series of workshops with call centre workers in a London Borough Council, commuters on a train station platform, and University staff dealing with student complaints, Manual Labours: The Complaining Body explores the physical and emotional effects of complaining, receiving complaints and not being able to complain in the context of work.

At The Showroom, Sarah Browne presents a new film Report to an Academy, drawing from the Kafka story of the time title, exploring the contemporary academic environment as a neoliberal workplace. Ivor South-wood launches his essay, The Uncomplaining Body, which investigates the culture of a large workplace from the perspective of an outsourced temporary cleaner/porter; and Hamish MacPherson examines the rituals of complaining through Breastbeating - a card game simulating an after-work pub session, a performance workshop and a games evening.

Wednesday 6 April, 6.30–8.30pm: Film screening followed by a discussion between artists Sarah Browne and Saoirse Wall

Thursday 7 April, 6.30–8.30pm: A complaining games night curated by Hamish MacPherson

Sunday 10 April, 12–4pm: Complaining workshop and performance with Hamish MacPherson and 3–6pm (exhibition closing event)

Manual Labours: The Complaining Body is the second stage of the practice based research project Manual Labours initiated by Sophie Hope and Jenny Richards exploring people’s physical relationships to work. Manual Labours: The Complaining Body is developed in partnership with The Showroom, London; In Certain Places, Preston and Movement and Division of Labour, Worcester. Manual Labours : The Complaining Body is supported by Arts Council England’s Grants for the Arts, The Elephant Trust, The Birkbeck/Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund and Birkbeck University Widening Access.