Launch of Burn in Flames: Post-Patriarchal Archive in Circulation

June 2015
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Burn in Flames: Post-Patriarchal Archive in Circulation
is a collaboration with Jesse Jones as part of In the Shadow of the State.

This active archive does not deal with the objects of the past: it anticipates future, ideologically obsolete material. We select and process items from everyday experience, naming them as evidence of the current, late-capitalist oppression of women. Objects are identified, stamped, and placed back in circulation. The archive is an active critique.

This work is presented through a workshop / demonstration format. Stamps are prepared and distributed with our collaborators, such as the new library at Callan Workhouse Union. Virtual stamps include #burninflames, #pparchive, and #misogynisttimemachine.

Follow and contribute to the project on twitter: @pparchive