@pparchive at Feminism, Legality and Knowledge seminar, QMUL

June 2016
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Queen Mary University of London, School of Law

Rehearsal Room 2

ArtsOne Building

Mile End Road, London E1 4NS

Feminist Legal Studies will hold a special seminar at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) to consider anew the relationship between feminism, legality and knowledge. In anticipation of FLS’s 25th birthday in 2017, we would like to think with others about the kind of ‘kitchen table’ that FLS might provide into the future. We are delighted that the Institute of Feminist Legal Studies at Osgoode, the Equality and Diversity Forum’s Research Network and Speaking of I.M.E.L.D.A. will join us as co-hosts.

How might feminist legal studies - the approach and the journal - best use its food, equipment, techniques, time, space, mood, energy and commitment? How shall FLS scholars and associates make the most of what we have in a room that can sometimes be confining and confusing, yet also exciting and sustaining? How do others engage with the processes and products of our kitchen table? In considering such questions and more, we propose to draw reflexively on feminist legacies of praxis, internationalism and openness, as we ‘stock-up’ and critically reflect on decolonizing techniques, know-how, protest and publishing practices.

You can read more about FLaK here and here.

More info about the @pparchive project is on this website here.

Participants include:

Lois Weaver (QMUL), Karin Van Marle (Pretoria), Speaking of I.M.E.L.D.A., Denise Ferreira da Silva (Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, University of British Colombia), Kristin B. Sandvik (Peace Research institute, Oslo), Sonia Lawrence (Osgoode), Jane Krishnadas (CLOCK, Keele), Sarah Kember (Goldsmiths), Jesse Jones (artist, In the Shadow of the State), Marie Andrée Jacob (Keele), Rosemary Hunter (QMUL), Annie Fletcher (Van Abbemuseum), Feminist Fightback, Mel Evans (Platform and Liberate Tate), Máiréad Enright (Kent), Moira Dustin (Equality and Diversity Forum Research Network), Stacy Douglas (Carleton), Carys Craig (Osgoode), Davina Cooper (Kent), Emilie Cloatre (Kent), Sarah Browne (artist, In the Shadow of the State), Doris Buss (Carleton), Samia Bano (SOAS) and Editorial Board members of FLS.

Download the full FLaK seminar: Mixing Feminism, Legality and Knowledge programme.