@pparchive at Ulster Festival of Art and Design

March 2016
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Sarah Browne and Jesse Jones will present Burn in Flames: Post-Patriarchal Archive in Circulation. This activist archive is developed as part of their current project In the Shadow of the State, a co-commission by Create (Ireland) and Artangel (UK).

This project does not deal with the objects of the past: it anticipates future, ideologically obsolete material that will no longer exist after the end of patriarchy, or however we might name the current regime. Items from everyday experience are named as evidence of the current, late-capitalist oppression of women, from legal documents to consumer goods. These objects are identified, stamped, and placed back in circulation.

This work is presented through a workshop / demonstration format and audience members are encouraged to participate by bringing material they want to stamp. The project also exists on twitter as @pparchive and welcomes online contributions – virtual stamps include #burninflames, #pparchive, and #misogynisttimemachine.

Tickets can be booked here.