The Touching Contract reviewed in The Guardian

November 2016
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"The Touching Contract is not only disconcerting and discomforting in its exploration of our relationship with the state, it is also a reminder of our growing isolation from one another.

Finding oneself in a physically compliant state with strangers is a reminder that, while we inhabitants of megacities are increasingly inured to the intrusions of physical contact, we have also become desensitised to its nuances. Cut off from extended families, often out of direct contact with the very old or very young, we don’t automatically respond with nurturing intent to bodies requiring support: we flinch from the offer of comfort and shift away from displays of emotion. The Touching Contract is not only disconcerting and discomforting in its exploration of our relationship with the state, it is also a reminder of our growing isolation from one another."

– Hettie Judah in The Guardian, full review can be read here.