The Revolting Body – screening at Movement, Worcester, UK

April 2015
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The Revolting Body: selected by Sarah Browne

25 April 2015 7pm

MOVEMENT, Platform 2, Foregate Street, Worcester, UK

This screening event brings together a selection of moving image material from diverse sources, produced over the last thirty to forty years. This includes videos and films made by individual artists, amateur collectives and contemporary protest groups. The 'body' alluded to in the programme title might be an individual or a collective body, troubled with imminent eruption. The programme includes: A Question of Choice, Sheffield Film Co-op, 1982; Marx: The Video, Laura Kipnis, 1990 and Solidarity, Joyce Wieland, 1973, interrupted by material uploaded to YouTube and extracts from a mainstream feature film.

Manual Labours is a research project exploring physical and emotional relationships to work, initiated by Jenny Richards and Sophie Hope. Manual Labours: The Complaining Body is an 18 month project exploring the world of workplace complaints led by Sophie Hope and Jenny Richards with artist Sarah Browne, choreographer Hamish MacPherson and writer Ivor Southwood. The smile which has become the required uniform of workers in coffee shops, classrooms, care homes and call centres hides and stifles our ability to complain and collectivise around our working conditions. Manual Labours is supported by Arts Council England's Grants for the Arts, The Elephant Trust and Birkbeck University. To keep up to date or contribute to the project email