Time Release symposium at Dutch Art Institute

February 2016
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ROAMING ASSEMBLY #3 TIME RELEASE at the Dutch Art Institute, Arnhem, the Netherlands

Work and Measure In and Out of Performing

February 14, 2016 ~ 13:00 till 18:00 ~ free admission, no reservation needed ~ location: Showroom Arnhem, Kleine Oord 177 in Arnhem (at one minute walking distance from the DAI's premises)

Curated and presented by Marina Vishmidt

With the participation of Sarah Browne, Cara Tolmie, Josefine Wikström, and Hypatia Vourloumis and the assistance of Eduardo Cachucho

13:00 welcome by DAI-director Gabriëlle Schleijpen
13:10 introduction by curator Marina Vishmidt
13:15 statements from each participant, opening up into discussion among participants and with the audience
14:00 discussion
15:00 break
15.30 presentations/performances interspersed with group sessions and concluding with a wrap-up.
18:00 drinks

Introduction, by Marina Vishmidt, writer, editor, critic and DAI-tutor

TIME RELEASE tries to think about the relationship between performance, labour and politics through the critical categories of time: measure, value, futurity.

It invokes performance in the many valences it can take in this society, which has for a long time included performance as a standard of measure or general category for measurable conformity to expectations, which take the form of impersonal imperatives authorised by technocratic capital and its managers. Read more

Becoming Octopus, by Sarah Browne, artist and lecturer

We are all seen to be performing, whether we want to be or not. How do we assess the measure that we’re performing to, and if necessary, re-negotiate or withdraw from its terms? Read more

'The boss’ mouth is open in a scream – I will sing sweat, tears and goose-bumps', by Cara Tolmie, artist

What are we each able to put at stake when we define our actions as performance and who or what grants us that ability? What does the amplification of our skin, our touch, our timbre, our tone and our skill produce? What affective economies stick to this situation we name performance? Read more

Murmur Nation: De-colonial Paralinguistic Praxes, by Hypatia Vourloumis, writer and researcher

Vourloumis presentation thinks through decolonizing practices of paralanguage in historical and contemporary Indonesian cultural production and performance. Read more

A return to abstraction? by Josefine Wikström, writer and lecturer

Wikström will try to think about the return of dance, performance, and the choreographic in particular, as a return to abstraction and the need of abstraction in contemporary art today. Read More