The Politics of (Self) Care – a symposium on disability justice, Migros Museum, Zurich

November 2023
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18 November 2023

Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich

The symposium The Politics of (Self) Care takes place on the occasion of the exhibition Interdependencies: Perspectives on Care and Resilience, curated by Michael Birchall. It will address how social injustice and problems that exist in most of our societies can be made visible through art.

  • 14:30: Registration
  • 15:00: Welcome and introduction with Michael Birchall and Claudia Heim (Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst); Virginia Marano, Charlotte Matter and Laura Valterio (Research group «Rethinking Art History through Disability» at the Institute of Art History, University of Zurich)
  • 15:15: Alice Hattrick [online], «Our Fallow State»
  • 16:00: Break
  • 16:15: Cat Dawson [in person] and Mae Howard [online], «F/Ailing Forms: Re-Visioning Trans and Disabled Bodies beyond the Medical Industrial Complex»
  • 17:00: Break
  • 17:15: Sarah Browne, artist [in person] and Elaine Lillian Joseph, audio describer [in person], «Inside / Outside Joke» : audio-described screening of Buttercup (work in progress, 28 min.), followed by a discussion moderated by Charlotte Matter
  • 18:30: Apero break
  • 19:45: Johanna Hedva  [online], «Can I Hit You?»

Organized by Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst and the research group “Rethinking Art History through Disability” at the Institute of Art History, University of Zurich.

All information regarding the speakers and the program in this PDF.